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News Release

Sept. 22, 2022


全国网赌正规平台(northwestern Missouri State University)正在加强其重点,为学生提供一条更实惠的途径来完成学位,并减轻低收入家庭在支付大学费用时面临的负担.

通过大学的西北承诺-以前的美国梦资助 合格的学生可以在实现他们的教育目标和理想的职业道路上得到帮助.

In combination with its low tuition rates and generous financial assistance, 西北承诺计划为符合学校中等选择性录取标准、家庭收入在65美元以下的合格学生提供100%的学费和标准费用,000 or less.

The Northwest Promise, which is renewable for three additional years, is applied in conjunction with federal, state, and institutional grants and scholarships. 获得联邦佩尔助学金的学生也有资格,无论家庭收入如何.

全国网赌正规平台很自豪地提供西北承诺,以帮助减少可能限制学生在全国网赌正规平台攻读学士学位的经济障碍,” Dr. 全国网赌正规平台负责招生和学生成功的助理副总裁艾莉森·霍夫曼说. “西北承诺项目显示了全国网赌正规平台大学对获取和负担能力的持续承诺,与全国网赌正规平台专注于提供高质量的学术课程保持一致, 以专业为基础的学习和全面的以学生为中心的大学体验.” 

Since Northwest launched the American Dream Grant program in 2004, more than 5,000 students have benefited from it. Today, about 500 freshmen meet the criteria to receive the Northwest Promise.

要获得资格,学生必须完成联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)。. Eligible Missouri residents must have a high school GPA of 2.50 or higher with an ACT score between 18 and 36; eligible Missouri residents with no ACT test score or a score of less than 18 must have a high school GPA of 2.75 or higher. Non-Missouri residents must be eligible for Bearcat Advantage, 这是一项西北地区的经济援助计划,允许州外学生获得州内学费.

Northwest Foundation provides opportunity to support Northwest Promise


Through a gift of $15,000 or more to the Dream Team Endowment, donors join the Northwest Scholarship Dream Team, which directly benefits the Northwest Promise. For a limited time, 西北基金会正在为梦之队捐赠基金匹配前35笔捐款, up to $15,000 per person – providing a total of $30,000 in support to the Northwest Promise program with each donor’s gift.

“The Dream Team Endowment, which provides funds that directly support the Northwest Promise, is a budget-relieving measure by the Northwest Foundation,” said Mitzi Marchant, 西北基金会执行董事,大学发展副主席. “梦之队捐赠基金加强了大学在入学和负担能力方面的投资, 它允许捐赠者的财政捐赠来支付西北承诺项目的部分费用.”

For more information about supporting the Dream Team Endowment, contact the Northwest Foundation at 660.562.1248 or

Northwest focuses on affordability

全国网赌正规平台一直是密苏里州和美国最实惠的高等教育机构之一,而其净学费在同行中排名后三分之一, including for families with incomes between $30,000 and $110,000. 事实上,这所大学每年颁发近2500万美元的奖学金和学费助学金.

Setting Northwest further apart is its laptop and textbook rental program, 它为玛丽维尔和堪萨斯城校区的所有全日制本科生和研究生提供全套初级教科书和一台满载的笔记本电脑. Students benefit by saving an estimated $6,在全国网赌正规平台的四年里有800人,而在其他学校的同龄人中.

国家大学成就网络(NCAN)是一个致力于缩小所有学生在高等教育成就方面的平等差距的非营利组织,最近进行的一项负担能力分析发现,负担得起的公立高等教育选择的数量正在减少,而负担能力差距正在扩大. 而NCAN报告称,490所公立四年制大学中只有23%被认为是负担得起的, 它将全国网赌正规平台列为密苏里州仅有的五所负担得起的四年制学校之一, based on its most recent data. 事实上,自2014-15年以来,全国网赌正规平台每年都被NCAN评为负担得起的大学.

About Northwest

With an enrollment of about 8,500 students, Northwest is a coeducational, 主要是住宿的四年制大学,提供广泛的本科和研究生课程,在其玛丽维尔校区以及它的 Northwest-Kansas City location at the Northland Innovation Center and through Northwest Online.

Founded in 1905, 全国网赌正规平台的新生保留率高达80%,毕业率在同类学校中排名第89位. 一项2019- 2020年满意度调查结果显示,全国网赌正规平台的学生比全国其他大学的学生更满意,82%的全国网赌正规平台学生表示他们会重复自己的大学经历, 相比之下,全国接受调查的学生中有75%的人这样认为.

全国网赌正规平台则高度强调以专业为基础的学习,以帮助毕业生在几乎每个学习领域的职业生涯中都有一个快速起步, the University’s internationally benchmarked student employment program 为学生提供机会,以建立专业技能,并在校园内他们的报仇.

Furthermore, 西北地区98%的学士学位获得者和近100%的硕士学位获得者在毕业后六个月内找到了工作或继续深造, according to the most recent data. 

For more information about Northwest and its performance, visit


Dr. Mark Hornickel
Administration Building
Room 215